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1 in 68: Your turn to weigh in on new autism prevalence data

Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new prevalence data indicating that 1 in every 68 American children is living with autism – a 30% increase from the 2012 estimate.  They also noted that the numbers varied from state to state regarding the number of individuals diagnosed: the prevalence rate is…

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Using a Parent-to-Parent Mentoring Approach for Challenging Behavior

In 2013, OAR’s Board of Directors authorized funding for seven new applied autism research studies in 2014. This additional $210,000 in research grants brought the total funds awarded by OAR to over $3 million since its first grants in January 2003. This review is the second in a series of seven that will appear in…

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Taking the Time to Breathe

Prior to takeoff of any passenger flight, flight attendants provide instruction that if the air pressure drops and oxygen masks fall, each person’s priority should be to put on their own mask before assisting anyone else, including their child. What remains unsaid is that if you are unable to breathe, you are not able to…

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Autism: What’s Love Got To Do With It?

When I was in high school, it was always marked by the same ritual: Students would buy red, pink, and/or white carnations at lunchtime all through the previous week, and the flowers were presented to their starry-eyed recipients in homeroom on Valentine’s Day morning.  Year after year, I watched other girls receive two, three, or…

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Sexuality Education for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

In 2013, OAR’s Board of Directors authorized funding for seven new applied autism research studies in 2014. This additional $210,000 in research grants will bring the total funds awarded by OAR to over $3 million since its first grants in January 2003. Starting with this review, we will offer summaries of the newly funded research…

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Using the PEERS® Method to Teach Dating Skills to Adults with Autism

Difficulty with social skills and trouble developing and maintaining meaningful relationships are known to be a central issue for those on the autism spectrum. Romantic relationships in particular may be challenging, with the majority of adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) living without a romantic partner. Despite the myth that people with ASD are less…

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What Factors Impact Your Child’s Educational Placement?

A wide range of educational placements are possible for students on the spectrum, because “Least Restrictive Environment” (the mandate set forth by special education law) is going to mean something different for each individual. But what are the other factors that influence where a student receives his or her instruction?  Two researchers at the University…

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What Factors Impact Your Child’s Educational Placement?

A wide range of educational placements are possible for students on the spectrum, because “Least Restrictive Environment” (the mandate set forth by special education law) is going to mean something different for each individual. But what are the other factors that influence where a student receives his or her instruction?  Two researchers at the University…

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“Just call it a diploma!”

Earlier this week, one writer for The Guardian described the mixed emotions she felt (“Autistic adults deserve the care – and recognition – we all do,” 25 Dec 2013) when attending the graduation ceremony for her younger sister, who has an autism spectrum disorder. The writer, a typically developing young woman, uses her sister’s story as…

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Testing the Use of Graphic Organizers to Aid Comprehension

Social studies can be a challenging subject for students of all grade levels and abilities.  This is especially true for students with autism, who often struggle to master skills, such as sequencing, that are required to successfully navigate academic material. In an effort to make social studies content more accessible, a group of researchers from…

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