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Mentors Help Young Adults Find Ideal Jobs

Adults with autism often face high levels of unemployment because of their social and communication challenges. OAR created a new program that aims to help close the gap with virtual support from trained volunteers. C. Murphy, a college student from southeastern Virginia, recently landed the perfect part-time job thanks to the help of a Hire…

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Building a Neurodiverse Workplace

Companies are increasingly recognizing the value neurodiverse employees bring to the workforce. To enable employees with cognitive differences to succeed and fully realize the benefit of their talents, businesses need to do more than accommodate; they may need to adjust their recruitment, selection, and career development practices to reflect a broader definition of talent. Educate…

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Hire Autism Update

Hire Autism is seeking new volunteer navigators to work with job seekers virtually to review resumes and cover letters. We also have an update on our Jobtimize pilot. Navigator Training Begins In April Interested in helping young adults with autism enter the workforce? OAR is seeking seasoned professionals to serve as volunteers who will be…

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Hire Autism to Release New Resources for Job Seekers

As a part of Hire Autism’s national expansion, OAR will debut new online job seeker and parent resources throughout the year. We know that navigating the job search can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. Our first round of new guides aims to provide job seekers with step-by-step instructions on how to build strong resumes and…

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OAR Launches Hire Autism Nationwide

OAR created Hire Autism with the goal of helping individuals with autism find meaningful employment opportunities. Following the completion of its two-year pilot test in Northern Virginia, OAR is ready to expand Hire Autism to all 50 states. Hire Autism supports job seekers through various aspects of the job search process, from career exploration to…

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OAR Recognizes First Hire Autism Navigators

Helping adults with ASD find meaningful employment requires the support of exceptional people like Diane and Rusty Lingenfelter. They were among the first supporters of Hire Autism, OAR’s employment initiative, and took their commitment to the next level last month by becoming our first Hire Autism Navigators. The Navigator program was created by OAR to…

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When and If to Disclose ASD

This blog post has been adapted from “Chapter 4: Vocation and Employment” of OAR’s resource “A Guide for Transition to Adulthood”.  When considering a possible job, it is important to consider when and if your young adult will disclose if they have ASD.  For employment opportunities, if they have had assistance securing the job and…

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Employment Resources Available Through Hire Autism

Hire Autism, the employment initiative of the Organization for Autism Research, functions as a job board for those on the autism spectrum who are seeking employment.  In addition to this function, Hire Autism also houses a Resource Center to support its users. The Resource Center provides information for both job seekers and employers. Businesses posting jobs on…

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Challenges Autistic People Face Once They Have a Job

Getting a job is hard. Getting a job when you’re autistic is really hard. Keeping a job as an autistic…even harder. I have managed to be employed for the past five years since I finished graduate school. Honestly, I am not sure how I have done it successfully. I know it has taken a lot…

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Outcomes for Adults on the Autism Spectrum

In 2017, three researchers, Collette Sosnowy, Ph.D., Paul Shattuck, Ph.D., and Chloe Silverman, Ph.D., at the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute completed a one-year OAR-funded qualitative study, “Measuring What Matters.” The goal of the study was to develop a contemporary conceptual framework of stakeholder perspectives about outcomes for adult autism in order to inform better measures…

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