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I love to travel! It’s fun getting out of the house and exploring a new environment. But for us autistic people, traveling can bring some unique challenges. That is why I’m here to help you plan and execute a successful vacation as an individual on the autism spectrum.

Plan for Accommodations

Traveling as an autistic person can be challenging, so it’s essential to plan for accommodations. For example, you can request a guided assistant at the airport if you’re traveling by plane. Or if you’re noise-sensitive and staying at a hotel, you can request a room away from the elevator so that it’s quieter. It’s ok to ask for accommodations because they’re here to make our life experiences better.

Pack Comfort Items

When I travel, I make sure to pack my fidget toys so that I have something to keep my hands busy. Other comfort items you might pack to have a comfortable vacation might be noise-canceling headphones, a stuffed animal, an MP3 player, or snacks. This is your vacation, so make sure you have the items that comfort you.

Have a Game Plan and Go Over It

Uncertainty can be scary for a traveler on the spectrum. It can make us feel anxious and stressed. That’s why knowing what you will do each day on a vacation and reviewing the plans is helpful. It minimizes the uncertainty of new experiences and lets you know what to prepare for. When I traveled to Washington, DC in 2022, I made sure to plan what I would do each day. For example, the first few days would be for sightseeing and then the rest of the trip would be spent at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Conference.

Be Organized (Or At least Try to Be)

If you’re like me and have ADHD also, being organized is tricky. Organization feels like a foreign concept, but it’s crucial for traveling so that you know what to bring and where it is. I try to start packing for a vacation at least one week before it begins so that I can start getting my stuff together, and whatever I’m missing or need to clean, at least I have time to take care of it. I’m leaving for a vacation with friends in a couple of weeks. This is going to be a week-long vacation, so I need to make sure I make a list of everything I need so that I do not miss anything.

Going on a vacation is fun, and with some help, autistic people can travel too. The way we travel might look different, but we have equally as much fun getting out of the house and doing it. I hope these tips help you have a fun vacation. Happy traveling!

Tiffany Richard is a self-advocate for disability rights. She is autistic and passionate about changing the narrative of autism. She resides in Louisiana with her three cats. In her free time, she enjoys coloring pictures, playing with her cats, and reading.