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Toys R Us stores are typically known for their aisles packed with excited noisy children and busy parents. Unfortunately, it is not an environment that welcomes a child with autism who is sensitive to sensory stimulation and chaotic environments, posing a dilemma for busy parents.

Toys R Us stores across the United Kingdom came up with a solution when they held a quiet hour on November 6. As described in an article in the Independent, the stores implemented simple changes such as dimming the lights, muting the music, and eliminating speaker announcements. The stores also placed autism-friendly signs around the aisles and created designated quiet zones for families. Mike Coogan, the marketing director for Toys R Us, noted in the article that holding these events allows all children to experience the fun in shopping for toys and has allowed for future collaborations with autism organizations.

The first sensory-friendly Toys R Us shopping event in the United States was held on November 13 in a branch in Lafayette, La. The Lafayette event, in partnership with the Autism Society of Acadiana, ran for two hours and included multiple quiet zones within the store.

Other businesses in the United States have held similar sensory-friendly events. Blue Horizons for Autism, a program at the John F. Kennedy International Airport, allows families to practice the air-travel experience. Since 2007, AMC Theatres’ Sensory Friendly Films program shows four films a month at designated theatres across the country. These continued efforts among businesses will make outings more inclusive for all families with autism.